Grow fast with your Web-App

Start your business today 

“In today’s hypercompetitive environment enabled by technology, ownership of infrastructure no longer provides a defensible advantage. Instead, flexibility provides the crucial competitive edge, competition is perpetual motion, and advantage is evanescent.”

― Geoffrey G. Parker, Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy--and How to Make Them Work for You

Rayan Ben Tanfous

Student and developer at the Freien Universität Berlin

Berlin, Germany

Modern Web-App

Benefits with the applications

Connect and create useful Networks .

Organize your digital Busniss.

Secured payment service, and the newest standards.

Everything you need to launch a web app

Free Plan


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  • 1 year support

  • 2 Features

  • Own Dashboard

Basic Plan


  • Landing Page

  • About-, Contact Page

  • Blog, Authentication

  • 1 Year Support

  • 2 Features

  • Own Dashboard

Popular Plan


  • Landing Page

  • About-, Contact Page

  • Blog, Authentication

  • 1 Year Support

  • 2 Features

  • Own Dashboard



  • Your custom Project

  • About-, Contact Page

  • Blog, Authentication

  • 1 Year Support

  • ∞ Features

  • Own Dashboard

Contact Me

If you have any questions or you are interested, contact me. ;)


+49 176 41362355

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My own website for commercial purposes.

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